It might come as a surprise to you but Barry Allen a.k.a the flash is Savitar. Savitar...
17 April 2019 3658 views
Lord Baelish, a.k.a Littlefinger, is a shrewd and extremely tenacious character who...
01 January 2020 4042 views
Near the end of Season 5, Arya is well underway in her training as a Faceless Man...
24 January 2020 6448 views
Game of Thrones is an immensely popular dark and gritty fantasy series aired on HBO...
01 February 2020 4225 views
At the end of season 5 episode 18 when Flash went to Iron Height prison to see Eobard...
25 April 2019 5351 views
There are four flash characters in the DC comics. Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally...
12 December 2019 8548 views
The real name of The Flash is Barry Allen in 2014 CW Tv Show, But it's not the same...
21 May 2019 6416 views
Game of Thrones has never shied away from killing its main characters. But the death...
02 February 2020 4263 views
The Flash's speed is much faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per second)....
26 December 2019 5353 views
[Spoiler] Cicada had a dagger that could temporarily take away powers from metahumans....
12 May 2019 6092 views